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  • Wi­Fi
    • IEEE 802.11 b/g/n-compliant
    • Supports 20MHz bandwidth in 2.4GHz band
    • 1T1R mode with data rate up to 72.2Mbps
    • Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)
    • Immediate Block ACK
    • Fragmentation and defragmentation
    • Transmit opportunity (TXOP)
    • Automatic Beacon monitoring (hardware TSF)
    • 3 × virtual Wi-Fi interfaces
    • Simultaneous support for Infrastructure BSS in Station mode, SoftAP mode, Station + SoftAP mode, and promiscuous mode
    • Antenna diversity
    • Supports external power amplifier
    • Bluetooth LE: Bluetooth 5
    • High power mode 20dBm
    • Speed: 125kbps, 500kbps, 1Mbps, 2Mbps
    • Advertising extensions
    • Multiple advertisement sets
    • Channel selection algorithm #2
    • Internal co-existence mechanism between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth to share the same antenna
  • CPU and Memory
    • 32-bit RISC-V single-core processor, up to 120MHz
    • CoreMark® score
    • Cryptographic hardware acceleration:
      • ECC
      • 1 core at 120MHz: 305.42CoreMark; 2.55CoreMark/M
    • 576KB ROM
    • 272KB SRAM (16KB for cache)
    • SiP flash (see details in Chapter 1 ESP8684 Series Comparison)
    • Access to flash accelerated by cache
    • Supports flash in-Circuit Programming (ICP)
  • Advanced Peripheral Interfaces
    • 14 × programmable GPIOs
    • Digital interfaces:
      • 3 × SPI
      • 2 × UART
      • 1 × I2C Master
      • LED PWM controller, with up to 6 channels
      • General DMA controller (GDMA), with 1 transmit channel and 1 receive channel
  • Analog interfaces:
    • 1 × 12-bit SAR ADC, up to 5 channels
    • 1 × temperature sensor
  • Timers:
    • 1 × 54-bit general-purpose timer
    • 2 × watchdog timers
    • 1 × 52-bit system timer
  • Low Power Management
    • Power Management Unit with four power modes
  • Security
    • Secure boot
    • Flash encryption
    • 1024-bit OTP, up to 256 bits for use
      • SHA Accelerator (FIPS PUB 180-4)
    • Random Number Generator (RNG)


Espressif Systems ESP8684 Ultra ­Low ­Power SoCs supply a highly-integrated MCU-based SoC solution. The ESP8684 supports 2.4GHz Wi-Fi® and BLUETOOTH® Low Energy (Bluetooth LE). The ESP8684 SoCs provide a 32­bit RISC­V single­core processor with a four-stage pipeline that operates up to 120MHz. The device’s storage capacity is ensured by 272KB of SRAM (16KB for cache) and 576KB of ROM on the chip.

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